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Small Space Solutions: Hosting Holiday Parties

November 18th, 2016 · No Comments

As we get ready for dinner parties, family get-togethers, and other holiday festivities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed trying to make our homes look perfect. For those of us with smaller homes and dining rooms, it can be even more stressful. We have a few tips that will help you make even the smallest homes welcoming for any holiday soirée:

Embrace Alternative Seating

Benches that may already be at the foot of your bed or in the entryway can be brought next to the dining table to squeeze in extra guests that individual chairs can’t accommodate. You can also use accent chairs from the living room if you don’t have many dining room chairs. Remember, your guests are there to have a good time and spend time with fabulous people, so a few mix and match chairs is perfectly acceptable!

Use Seasonal Decor

Make your guests feel welcome and honored with decorations like fresh flowers, miniature displays made from pumpkins and gourds, and other small touches. You can also update your decor with new throw pillows for the sofa, or extra blankets draped over a cozy chair. When it comes to hosting any get-together, it’s the small details that will make your guests feel at home.

Spread Out the Party

If there’s just no way to fit everyone around the dining room table, don’t be afraid to split up the party into different rooms. Create a buffet style spread on the dining table and place chairs and trays in different rooms so people can eat throughout the house. This will give your guests a chance to mingle, and the informal style will make people feel relaxed.

Just remember, parties are about having fun! Once the party has started make sure you spend time with your guests and enjoy some of the delicious foods and beverages yourself. If you need more help getting your home ready for the holiday season, just stop by and speak to our talented designers! Check out what’s on sale now! https://www.randq.com/promotions.html

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