Photo from The New York Times of R&Q's Cash For Clunkers dumpster.
[Photo credit Stewart Cairns of The New York Times.]
The New York Times published this article yesterday that included a big feature on Ruby & Quiri’s own Cash For Clunkers program. We are thrilled to have been included in the piece.
From the article:
At Ruby & Quiri, a family-run home furnishings center in Johnstown, N.Y., customers receive a $25 gift card for every piece of used furniture they turn in, or $50 for upgrading an appliance to an Energy Star model. The clunker is picked up when the new item is delivered, and depending on its condition is either donated or broken down for recycling.
The article highlighted the financial benefit of the program and current consumer trends, but it also noted how programs like this one have a distinct environmental motivation. These old couches are finding good homes, or they’re stripped and fully recycled.
Chris Park, the store manager at Ruby & Quiri, said many more of his clients now ask how their old furniture and appliances will be disposed of, which he attributes to an increased awareness of energy issues and recycling. “No longer do you have the days of going back in the woods and finding an old sofa and dresser,” Mr. Park said. “I think that matters to people.”
To read the article in its entirety, click here.
1 response so far ↓
1 Rob Balzano // Sep 29, 2009 at 1:09 pm
This type of publicity is amazing.
You are doing everything right as a retailer.
“Great Web Site”
Rob Balzano
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